Official LMYC Yacht Registration & Crew Declaration

A Boat which competes in LMYC races is required by the rules to be registered on the official LMYC Yacht Register.

Yacht Register and Sail Number/ Protocols

The Yacht Register up to the date/ shown is below. Click on Yacht Register. If your Boat is not shown or the details are incorrect or incomplete please complete a Yacht Registration Form and e-mail to or lodge with the Sailing Office, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and at other times at Reception.

Yacht Register as at 15/2/2025

Yacht Registration Form

It is a requirement of the rules that the skipper and crew of a boat which competes in LMYC yacht races. Such a complete List for a boat is compliance with the Club’s duty under its Risk Management Plan. Crew should have an Australian Sailing (formerly YA) Identification (SIN) number which validates them as crew for racing under the rules and provides them with AS casualty insurance.  Please complete the Crew Declaration Form below and e-mail to or please lodge your completed Crew Declaration Form at Reception.

Crew Declaration